Discover the fresh flavor and satisfaction of picking lettuce from your own garden! This exciting mix of butterhead, leaf, and romaine lettuce remain wonderfully tasty, even picked at full size. You don't have to have a large vegetable garden to enjoy fresh, baby greens, either. Perfect for growing in containers indoors or out, and pretty enough to use as a border around your flower bed! Contains equal parts: 'Buttercrunch', 'Black Seeded Simpson', 'Green Salad Bowl', 'Lolla Rossa', 'Red Oak Leaf', and 'Rouge d'Hiver'.
Botanical Name: Lactuca sativa
Days to Maturity: 21–58 days
Family: Organic, Heirloom
Hardiness: Unknown; lettuce has been in cultivation for a long time.
Variety Information: BUTTERHEAD: 'BUTTERCRUNCH': Soft, slightly crumpled light green leaves in a loose head, often with a creamy yellow core. LEAF LETTUCES: 'BLACK SEEDED SIMPSON': Crinkled, light green, crisp leaves with frilly edges. 'GREEN SALAD BOWL': Deeply lobed green leaves. 'LOLLA ROSA': Deeply curled leaves with very frilly, red edges. 'RED OAK LEAF': Medium green, deeply lobed, oak leaf-shaped leaves, mild flavor, slower to bolt. ROMAINE: 'ROUGE d'HIVER': Green leaves are tinged with reddish-brown; rich, buttery flavor.