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Acer rubrum 'October Glory' - Red Maple
Outstanding, reliable, bright orange to deep, reddish purple fall color - even in warmer climates. A tall form with a dense, rounded crown and large, medium green leaves in spring and summer. Foliage is held on the tree later into fall than with most cultivars. A superb choice as a high profile shade tree for larger landscapes. Deciduous.
- Type: Tree
- Native
- Zone: 3 to 9
- Height: 40-50 feet
- Spread: 30-40 feet
- Bloom Time: March to April
- Bloom Description: Red, sometimes yellow
- Sun: Full sun to part shade
- Water: Medium to wet
- Maintenance: Low
- Suggested Use: Shade Tree, Street Tree, Rain Garden
- Flower: Showy
- Leaf: Good Fall
- Tolerate: Wet Soil, Black Walnut, Air Pollution