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The glossy, evergreen foliage and graceful growth habit of weeping fig (Ficus benjamina, U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11) make it a valued houseplant and landscaping plant. As a garden plant, it can live 40 to 150 years and usually grows to a mature height of up to 35 feet, according to a tree detail record published by the Cal Poly Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute. Information provided by the Missouri Botanical Garden states that as a houseplant, weeping fig generally reaches from 2 to 10 feet tall.
During its growing season from spring to fall, weeping fig needs moist soil but should not be kept constantly wet. For houseplants, water the plant thoroughly until water comes through the drainage holes. Allow the top layer of soil to dry before watering again. In fall and winter when weeping fig isn't growing, reduce watering and allow 1 to 2 inches of soil at the top of the container to become dry. If houseplants begin to drop leaves, it's usually a reaction to moving the plant or to stresses such as improper watering or light conditions. A common mistake is to increase watering, which can further stress the plant. Investigate the probable cause of leaf drop. The presence of yellow leaves dropping from the plant signals that the plant may need more water. When green leaves drop, it's usually a sign of overwatering or location change.