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This Cranesbill flowers for weeks on end. It forms a low, trailing mound of ferny-looking green leaves, bearing cup-shaped blooms of bright neon pink, with a narrow white edging and eye. Petals are streaked with deep rose pink. Excellent for edging a sunny border, also in rock gardens or mixed containers. Attractive when mass planted as a groundcover. Foliage turns bronzy-red in autumn.
Type: Herbaceous perennialZone: 4 to 8Height: 0.75 to 1.00 feetSpread: 1.00 to 1.50 feetBloom Time: June to SeptemberBloom Description: Pink with white edges and center eyeSun: Full sun to part shadeWater: MediumMaintenance: LowSuggested Use: Ground CoverFlower: ShowyLeaf: Good FallAttracts: ButterfliesTolerate: Rabbit, Deer, Drought, Clay Soil