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Monarda ‘Gardenview Scarlet’ is the only true red-flowering cultivar to rate among the top performers. It has large, 4” wide, didyma-like flowers that are great for attracting hummingbirds. ‘Gardenview Scarlet’ shares this and many other traits in common with Monarda didyma ‘Jacob Cline’. However at 36” tall, ‘Gardenview Scarlet’ is approximately 1’ shorter, and in our trial, exhibited more consistent powdery mildew resistance.
Height: 2-3 ft
Spread: 2-3 ft
Zone: 4-9
Exposure: full sun or light shade
Bloom: red
Soil preference: moist to wet
Attributes: Medicinal garden, rain garden, naturalize
Wildlife: Deer resistant, pollinator magnet. Attracts hummingbirds, hummingbird moths, clearwing moths, butterflies, bees
Powdery mildew resistant variety.