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Potting Your orchid should be planted in a pot that has plenty of drainage. There should be drainage holes in the bottom of your pot to ensure any excess water drains completely. If your orchid comes in a pot that does not have this feature, you’ll need to repot it into one that does.
Soil Orchids should be planted in fast-draining soil. Using moss-based or bark-based potting mix is suggested. Depending on which you choose, the orchid care will vary. The bark-based mix allows the water to drain quickly, so you will need to water your orchid more frequently. The moss mix retains more water, so you can go longer between waterings.
Temperature Orchids grow best in environment that’s 60-75 degrees fahrenheit. These moderate temperatures, in combination with a little air circulation, will allow your orchid to grow big, beautiful flowers.
Light Orchids should be kept near a south or east facing window if possible. They need a lot of light, but not direct light. If they are near a west-facing window, the light will be too strong, so you may need to put a sheer curtain on the window. North-facing windows will not provide enough light for your orchid.
Water How often you water your orchid will depend on your climate, humidity levels and potting medium. Orchids usually need to be watered every few days. When it comes to watering orchids, the most common mistake is overwatering them. Root rot is a disease that is commonly found in this variety of plant.
Avoid Overwatering To avoid overwatering, water your orchid based on how wet the soil feels. Gently push a few fingers into the soil and then remove them. If you feel moisture on them, you do not need to water your orchid. If you do not feel moisture, it needs a soak. Another way to help you keep track of if your plant needs water is by potting it in a clear pot. A clear pot will show the condensation, and when there is no condensation it’s time to water.