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Developed from the 1897 heirloom 'Victor', which spent years in storage at the U.S. Seed Bank. Peculiar looking, but renowned for delicious flavor and fine texture. The bumpy, thick, red-orange skin protects the 10–20 pound pumpkins, allowing them to store for many months. Whether you carve it or eat it, 'Red Warty Thing' is sure to receive a lot of oohs and ahhs! 1–2 fruits on 10'–15' vines.
Botanical Name: Cucurbita maxima
Days to Maturity: 110 days
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Native: Southern South America
Hardiness: Frost-sensitive annual
Plant Dimensions: 10'–15' vines
Variety Information: 15"–18" diameter fruits weighing 18–20 pounds each, with bright red-orange, highly warted skin. 'Red Warty Thing' is a cross between 'American Turban' and 'Hubbard'-type squash, making it more of a squash than a pumpkin. Amount of "wartiness" can vary from fruit to fruit