Silene dioica 'Rollie's Favorite' is an interesting Campion hybrid. A recent introduction from Herbert Oudshoorn of the Netherlands, it is a long-blooming plant, forming a low mound of dark-green, oval leaves, with clusters of starry, rich-pink blossoms, each with a white eye. Flower heads resemble Summer Phlox.
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Partial or Dappled Shade
Water Preferences: Mesic
Soil pH Preferences: Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5)
Neutral (6.6 – 7.3)
Slightly alkaline (7.4 – 7.8)
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 3 -40 °C (-40 °F) to -37.2 °C (-35)
Plant Height: 12 to 18 inches Plant Spread: 10 to 12 inches Flowers: Showy
Flower Color: Pink